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Gems Therapy

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In Our Universe, Human Beings Actions Are Controlled By The Planetary System .If In Any Individual Horoscope, The Planets Are Well Placed He Will Be In Excellent Position Else Different. To Ward Off The Negative Effects, Gems Plays An Important Role.


Human Body Emits Radiations and Also Receive Radiations From The Universe. Depending Upon The Gravity, We Act Either Positively Or Negatively. If Any One Acts Negatively, Gem Therapy Is One Of The Best Method To Nullify The Negative Effects. Gems Increase Powers Of An Individual And Warding Off The Ill Effects Of The Planets. Selection Of Gems Is One Of The Most Important Factor And To Be Fixed In Right Metal To Gain Positive Results Else Negative Results Will Be There.

Gems Have Magnetic Powers And Emit Vibrations Which Have Strong Influence On Human Body. The Gems Before Wearing Should Be Energized Properly To Receive Positive Results.

Gems Have A Direct Impact On Individual Zodic Sign And Hereunder We Give Necessary Gems To Wear But Before Wearing The Gem, Every Care Has To Be Taken Of Individual Horoscope.

Zodic Sign Gems Suitable

AriesRuby, Blood Stone
TarusGolden Topen, Emerald or Yellow Topaz
ScorpioTopaz Or Agate
CapricornSmoky Quartz
AquariusBlue Sapphire


Gemstones – According To Rasi After careful analysis and with my research how Gemstones will effect the human beings according to their respective rasi. My results show that more than 60 percent of satisfied clients reported that they are benefited with my recommendations. In this connection I suggest any person who likes to wear the Gemstone according to Rasi; I strongly recommend that the natal chart should also be considered for deriving extra benefits.


The sub Gems are Loc Onyx and Lal Hank. The color of the coral is red. It reduces the evil effects of Kuja Dosha. The suitable time for wearing the Coral is Tuesday at the time of The Lord of this rasi is Kuja. Persons belonging to this rasi have to wear Coral. Sun rise. The metal to be used is either copper or silver. After the ring is made, it has to be cleaned with pure milk.


The Lord of this rasi is Sukra. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Diamond or sub gems are Opel.The color of Diamond is white and very shining. It reduces the evil effects of Sukra and the positive ones are they will posses financial and domestic happiness. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Friday. The gem has to be purified with milk and the ring has to be made of gold metal only.


The Lord of this sign is Budha. Persons belonging to this rasi may wear Emerald and sub gems are Firoz and onyx. The gem is greenish in color. It reduces the negative effects of Budh.It helps for the development of business, peace of mind and guard the health. The suitable day for wearing the Gem is Wednesday at the time of sun rise. Before wearing the stone has to be purified with milk and water and it be made of gold metal only.


The Lord of the sign is moon. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Pearl and it is while in color. It reduces the negative effects of Chandra graha. It produces peace of mind and controls mental tension. The pearl has to be purified with pure milk and the ring has to be made of silver only. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Monday at the time of sunrise.


The Lord of the sign is Ravi. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Ruby. It reduces the negative effects of Ravi graha Dosha. It produces financial gain from father and safeguards the health of the natives’ father. It produces good health. Ruby after purifying with milk and pure water, the Gen has to be made of ring with silver metal only and to be worn on ring finger on Sunday at sunrise time.


The lord of the sign is Budha. Persons belong to this sign may wear genuine Green sapphire and she sub gems are Emerald or nix. The colour of the stone is green .It reduces the negative effects of Budha and develops financial improvement and guards health. The Gen before making into ring has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal is gold. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Wednesday at Sunrise time to the little finger.


The lord of the sign is Sukra. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Diamond and sub Gems are Opel,. As it is white in color and it reduces the negative effects of Sukra graha Dosham. It produces good health and immense wealth. The diamond has to be purified with milk and water and the ring has to be made of gold metal only. The suitable day for wearing the same is Friday at the time of Sun rise.


The lord of the sign is Kuja. Persons belonging to this sing may wear Coral which is of reddish in color and the sub gem is Loc Onyx. It reduces the Kuja Dosha. It drives away any negative vibrations that may come to the wearer. The Coral has be purified with milk and water and the ring has to be made of silver. The best day for wearing the same is Tuesday at the sunrise time and to wear the same to ring finger only.


The Lord of the sign is Guru. Persons belong to this sing may wear yellow sapphire and the sub gem is Topaz. It is in yellow color. It reduces the Guru graham Dosham and helps the wearer to increase financially and good progress in education. The gem has to be purified with milk and ring has to be made of gold metal only. The suitable day for wearing the same is Thursday early hours to the point finger only.


The lord of the sign is Saturn.. Persons of this sign may wear Blue sapphire and sub gem is Blue spinal. It reduces the Saturn negative effects and guards’ health and wealth and increases longevity. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal for making ring is silver. The best day for wearing the ring is Saturday sunrise time and to be worn on left hand second finger.


The lord of the sign is Saturn.. Persons of this sign may wear Blue sapphire and sub gem is Blue spinal. It reduces the Saturn negative effects and guards’ health and wealth and increases longevity. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal for making ring is silver. The best day for wearing the ring is Saturday sunrise time and to be worn on left hand second finger.


The lord of the sign is Guru.. Persons belonging to this sign may war yellow sapphire and sub gems are Topaz or Citrine. It is in yellow color. It reduces the negative effects of Guru Graha Dosham and increases good in business, education and spiritual affairs. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the metal to be used to make a ring is only gold. The suitable day for wearing the same is Thursday at Sunrise time and it be worn on point finger.
Picking Gems according to Date of Birth Picking Gems according to Date of Birth

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If you are born in these dates, I hereunder give the Lord of the Number and ruling Star and I recommend the gems to wear.

1,10,19,28 RAVI Krutrika, Uttara, Uttarashada Ruby
2,11,20,29 CHANDRA Rohini, Hasta, Sravanam Pearl
3,12,21,30 GURU Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorabhadra Yellow Sapphire
4,13,22,31 RAHU Arudra, Swati, Sasatbisham Gomed
5,14,23 BUDHA Aselesa, Jesta, Revati Blue Sapphire
6,15,24 SUKRA Bharani, Pubba, Poorvashada Diamond
7,16,25 KETU Aswani, Makha, Moooa Cat’s Eye
8,17,26 SANI Pushami, Anoorada, Uttarabhadra Blue Sapphire
9,18,27 KUJA Chitta, Mrugasira, Dhanista Coral
Wearing of Gem according to the Month in which they born Wearing of Gem according to the Month in which they born 
From & To Lord Of The Month Gem To Wear Finger To Wear
15th January to 15th February Saturn Blue Sapphire Middle finger
15th February to 15th March Saturn Blue Sapphire Middle finger
15th March to 15th April Guru Yellow Sapphire Point finger
15th April to 15th May Kuja Coral Ring finger
15th May to 15th June Sukra Diamond Ring finger
15th June to 15th July Budha Emerlad Little finger
15th July to 15th August Chandra Pearl Ring finger
15th August to 15th September Ravi Ruby Ring finger
15th September to 15th October Budha Emerlad Little finger
15th October to 15th November Kuja Coral Ring finger
15th November to 15th January Guru Yellow Sapphire Point finger

About Gemstones

When we are going through the ‘Science of Astrology’, Gemstones resides as a significant aspect their as it impacts the astrological life of mortals at a larger extent. These glittering Gemstones spread brightness on land and wipes out the darkness from all wandering lives on land on account of their mysterious and lurked relation with the revolving bodies in the sky. The Vedic astrology prescribes different types of gemstone as a remedy or a cure from the ancient times based on the configurations of planets in the horoscope of a person.

Human in his life may face many difficulties and problems. These difficulties and hurdles are many times caused by the ill placement of a planet or planets  in his birth chart. The potential malefic planets in one’s horoscope can make the life of a person full of miseries and hurdles. After studying the horoscope , Gemstone which is related to that particular malefic planet could be prescribed. This gemstone will give quite relief to the native from the potential malefic,  if worn in suitable finger and by using the prescribed method.

Sometimes, there is another case in anybody’s horoscope which causes problems. The potential benefic planets present are weak in strength so they are not able to give the good impacts with the full power. To increase the power of the potential benefic planets, Gemstones are used.

It is very important to understand the significance of a gemstones , it’s features and knowledge of the planet which rules that particular gemstone. In a horoscope, the 9 planets placed in 12 houses of your birth chart impact various aspects of your life in a positive or negative way. If Somebody is currently having  a problem in profession, then the planets which are impacting the profession in birth chart should be considered and after the close study, gemstone should be prescribed which will enhance the positive impacts for the profession of that person. If somebody wear a gemstone without considering these factor and using the right method to wear, gemstone may cause the reverse and undesirable results

Scientific reflection of Gemstones

In the scientific reflection of the portrait, these gems beads are made up of different chemical substances and group of elements and possess different physical properties, so on radiate different energies of different frequencies resulting as in changes in the lives of mortals. These gems are born out of variant happenings in earth and complex chemical reaction, on account of which they carry higher chemical combinations.

They are believed to enhance the benefic effects of different planets in variant ways like by adding cosmic color to the soul of the wearer, by strengthening some specific aspects of life and by bestowing the attention and blessings of deities. But these effects differs even among the most significant nine planets with their variant impacts and domination upon certain planetary malefic effects.

Why wear a gemstone only after consulting an Astrologer

With so many positive colors of divine gems, it also possess a darker side making us concern about its adoption as approaching a wrong gem could result in worst conditions of the wearer. Because of this, it becomes an important aspect while going through this mysterious story to see the pages explaining the methods of approaching gemstones. In basic view, it could be adopted as per the zodiac sign, or according to the birth constellation, or on behalf of lagna / Rising sun, or as planetary gem which means to be depending upon the attraction or influence of a stone on the wearer without any harm and the most trusted way of adoption depends upon the prescription of an Astrologer, as he would advice it upon the complete study of the horoscope of a particular person as which stones would seem to be the most beneficial.
At last, Gemstones are the essential part of Astrology, works by side of soothsaying of astrologers upon their studies of horoscopes as for defending the presumed malefic effects of certain planets and becomes the shield of protection from approaching hindrances and this whole acts upon their divine potent reflection recalling as paradisiacal blessings on mortal land.

How to wear it – Necklace, beads, Ring, Pendants, jewelry

Gemstones are worn in many ways from ancient times. Some of them were the integral part of  jewelry and   ornaments from a long period of time. But wearing a gemstones as a jewelry is different from it’s use as an astrological remedy. Gemstones used in necklace, pendant or other form of jewelry would be ineffective in case of providing the astrological benefits. To have the proper benefits from a particular gemstones, one needs to follow the astrological procedure prescribed for wearing that gemstone and then only wear it. This process of “Pran pratishtha” connects the gemstone with its lord or planet. During the process, native also tells his wishes and intentions for which he is wearing that stone. This process is just like doing the pran-pratishtha of the idol of any deity which is utmost important. After following the proper procedures,  Gemstones could be worn in form of rings or pendants and they will give the benefits as an astrological remedy.

Gem Stones Report

It is a known fact that Gems can counteract many evils in life. It plays vital role in shaping the destiny of the native. The horoscope of the native which is prepared at the time of birth through focus on the important aspects of his life, including childhood, education, diseases that he may be prone to, the risks that he may have to face, the struggle he faces to come up in life and the extent of happiness which may enjoy. It gives useful information on other aspects like love life, career growth, prosperity, property, marriage, children, name and fame and longevity. If there are applications at the time of birth, it can be countered through prayers, other astral remedies or wearing on gem stones.

Events in one’s life are so predistined that one is often surprised when a beggar becomes a king and a rich man becomes a pauper at certain stage of his life. Its quite true that planets regulate our life on this globe. The diseases one undergoes are often related to his birth chart. The 6th house in the horoscope indicates the elements one has to undergo and the 8th house indicates the extent to which he will be able to overcome the health hassles and problems.

Colours, Precious gems, Yantras and Yagnas are also influenced by planetary configurations at the transits which highly influence the lives of the natives in all spheres of human activity particularly health, career growth, prestige, happiness, including marital bliss, financial gains, business acumen and most important of all personal relations and long life. Just as the use of right type of medicine can cure a patient similarly the right choice of gems can make life more smooth and pleasant.

Its very delicate procedure to presecribe a gem stone to ward off any planetary afflictions in a birth chart of any person. It mainly depends upon Astrologer’s keen observation. Gem Stones must arouse the qualities that a person needs to become successful.

We find out which gems will boost the wearer’s luck and prosperity and prescribe accordingly. After having your birth details we reveal:

Which Gems Stone will suit you
Weight of Gem Stone including the right finger and the right metal
Time, Date and other wearing instructions for the gemstone in order to what you desire from it
Mantras to energise gem stones and procedures for how to wear it to keep it pure

The Chalcedony Mineral Family

The Chalcedony mineral family includes members that are a form of quartz whose natural crystals are tiny.

The group includes a list of gemstones such as blue chalcedony, adventurine, carnelian, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, as well as black onyx gemstone, tiger eye gemstone and jasper gemstone.

In common practice, only the translucent, single colour types of quartz are called “chalcedony”. Most popular members of this variety are; Aventurine -soft blue-green with inclusions of mica which shimmers.

Blue Chalcedony -mid-blue which often varies in colour, because it can have an overtone of grey or pink, the latter giving it a lavender hue. A heavenly gemstone which often shows a moonlight shimmer – Black Onyx naturally occurs in nature in thin bands. Most Black Onyx sold in shops is dyed.

Carnelian ranges in colour from yellow-orange to reddish-orange, to orangey-brown, and can vary from semi-opaque to highly translucent.

Chrysocolla Chalcedony is a rare gemstone is often called Gem Silica, is blue to turquoise in colour. Chrysoprase is highly prized in its best colour-apple-green, but it can be olive-green, pale green and whitish.

Agate Gemstones

Agate Gemstones is a gemstone family – a very fine grained form of quartz. There are many different varieties of it, such as moss agate, lace agate, fire agate and banded agates. It can be red, blue, orange, yellow, green and other colours. It is often banded.
Most popular are Banded Agates which display rich, bands of colours, but many on sale have been either dyed or heat treated to enrich.

Varieties are sometimes opaque, but are usually translucent, and occasionally completely transparent.

Most popular are Banded Agates which display rich, bands of colours, but many on sale have been either dyed or heat treated to enrich.

Moss Agate contains mineral inclusions which look like plants. Lace Agate displays delicate designs generally in blues and browns. Fire Agate a stone covered with grapes showing iridescent colours of red, gold and green, with the occasional violet-blue.

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