5 Astrological Remedies For You to Do on Chhath Puja 2023

Chhath Puja 2023, a significant Hindu festival dedicated to the worship of the Sun God, is a time of devotion and gratitude. Celebrated with immense fervor, it holds a special place in the hearts of millions. In addition to its religious significance, Chhath Puja also offers a unique opportunity to connect with astrological practices. Here are five astrological remedies you can perform on Chhath Puja 2023 to enhance your well-being and spiritual connection.

Remedies For You to Do on Chhath Puja 2023

1. Offer Arghya to the Rising Sun:

On Chhath Puja morning, devotees offer Arghya (water offering) to the rising sun. This ritual is deeply rooted in Vedic astrology and is believed to have powerful effects on one’s horoscope. It is said to enhance the positive influences of the Sun in your birth chart, promoting vitality and overall well-being. The act of offering Arghya is a direct connection with the Sun God and is known to bring blessings to your life.

2. Chant the Gayatri Mantra:

The Gayatri Mantra is a potent Vedic hymn dedicated to the Sun God, Savitar. On Chhath Puja, reciting this mantra with devotion and focus can help alleviate the malefic effects of the Sun in your birth chart. The Gayatri Mantra is believed to promote clarity, wisdom, and spiritual growth. By embracing this mantra, you align yourself with the cosmic energies associated with the Sun, fostering inner and outer radiance.

3. Fasting and Prayers:

Fasting is a central aspect of Chhath Puja, and it carries astrological significance. Abstaining from food and water during the Chhath Puja fast is believed to cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. In astrological terms, this act can help mitigate the adverse effects of malefic planetary positions in your birth chart. It is an opportunity to reset your physical and spiritual balance, invoking the blessings of the Sun God.

4. Offer Prayers to the Chhathi Maiya:

Chhath Puja is also dedicated to Chhathi Maiya, who is considered the sister of the Sun God. Devotees believe that seeking her blessings on this day can provide protection from malefic planetary influences and promote harmony in family life. Offering prayers and seeking the blessings of Chhathi Maiya can be a powerful astrological remedy for strengthening your familial bonds and well-being.

5. Perform Tarpan for Ancestors:

Astrologically, the Sun represents the soul and individuality. On Chhath Puja 2023, devotees perform Tarpan, a ritual of offering water to their ancestors. This practice is believed to appease departed souls and help mitigate any negative influences that might be affecting the family’s karma. By acknowledging and seeking blessings for your ancestors, you can create a positive shift in your own life and honor your lineage.

Chhath Puja 2023 is not just a time of devotion but also an opportunity to perform astrological remedies that can positively influence your life. These practices, deeply rooted in Vedic astrology, are designed to harmonize the cosmic energies, strengthen your well-being, and enhance your spiritual connection. As you celebrate this auspicious occasion, consider embracing these astrological remedies to enrich your life with the blessings of the Sun God and Chhathi Maiya. Chhath Puja 2023 promises to be a time of not only religious significance but also astrological empowerment.