Solutions of Delay in Marriage According to Astrology

Marriage is considered to be one of the most important events in one’s life and it’s a dream of many people to tie the knot with their beloved. However, sometimes despite all efforts, one may face a delay in marriage, which can cause stress and anxiety. If you’re facing a delay in marriage, a marriage specialist astrologer Rahul Shastri Ji can help you understand the root cause of the delay and provide solutions accordingly.

Reasons for a delay in marriage

Planetary Positions: According to Vedic astrology, the position of planets at the time of birth can affect one’s marital life. If the planets related to marriage such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter and the seventh house of the horoscope are afflicted, it can lead to a delay in marriage.

Career and Education: Pursuing higher education or focusing on a career can delay the marriage process.

Financial Stability: Many people prefer to delay their marriage until they become financially stable to support their partner and future family.

Family Compatibility: Compatibility between the two families can be a crucial factor in the decision-making process for marriage. If families don’t agree with each other’s values and beliefs, it can lead to a delay in marriage.

Emotional Maturity: Sometimes people prefer to delay marriage until they feel emotionally mature and ready to handle the responsibilities of married life.

Personal Choices: In today’s world, people are more independent and make their own choices. Many people choose to delay marriage to fulfill their personal goals or to find the right partner.

Cultural and Social Norms: Cultural and social norms can also lead to a delay in marriage. In some cultures, people prefer to marry within their community or caste, which can limit the pool of eligible partners.

Astrology Remedies for Delay in  Marriage

In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is the most influential planet for marriage. It signifies elders, so respecting them can help you avoid marriage delays. Chanting Brihaspati mantras is also a recommended remedy.

  • Venus holds the second-most influence on marriage. It signifies femininity, so being kind and helpful to female family members can appease Venus and potentially lead to early marriage.
  • Saturn represents karma, and it’s important to have it on your side to avoid late marriage. Developing positive connections with those who report to you at home and work is crucial.
  • Performing altruistic activities can earn the blessings of Rahu and Ketu. Helping the elderly and orphaned and being a good person can bring positive results.
  • Worshipping Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati can bring blessings from the Sun and Moon. It strengthens the seventh house of the horoscope, increasing the likelihood of marriage.
  • Mercury represents relationships in life. Offering clothing, cosmetics and candy to young females in the neighborhood and at home can appease Mercury.
  • Besides planet remedies, fasting on Upa Pada Lagna and reciting Ganesha Atharvashirsha for the retrograde planets in the 7th, 12th and 8th houses can speed up the marriage process.

Gemstones for the delay in marriage

According to Vedic astrology, gemstones can be used for a variety of issues including delayed marriages. For people experiencing delays in their marriage, the following nuggets may be helpful:

Diamond: Diamond is known to be the best gemstone for marriage and relationships. It symbolizes Venus, the planet linked to marriage, love and beauty. Venus can be strengthened and the likelihood of an early marriage increased by wearing a diamond.

Emerald: Emerald is a gemstone that represents the planet Mercury, which is associated with communication and relationships. Wearing an emerald can help in finding a suitable partner and improving communication with them.

Yellow Sapphire: Yellow sapphire represents the planet Jupiter, which is associated with wisdom and good fortune. Wearing a yellow sapphire can bring blessings from Jupiter, leading to a happy and successful marriage.

Coral: Coral represents the planet Mars, which is associated with energy and passion. Wearing a coral can help in finding a suitable partner and overcoming obstacles in the marriage process.

Astrology provides several solutions for those experiencing delay in marriage. These solutions range from performing specific rituals, wearing particular gemstones, to making lifestyle changes, and seeking astrological consultation. However, it is important to note that astrology should not be the sole basis for making life decisions and that one should also seek guidance from trusted friends, family and professionals. Ultimately, patience, faith and a positive attitude can go a long way in overcoming the challenges of delay in marriage.